* Added new SafeFile (io.WriteCloser) class + methods to atomically write a file.
* Teach core lib to use SafeFile for all file I/O
* Teach sigtool to use SafeFile for all file I/O
* Cleaned up the public interfaces of sign/ to be more coherent:
- with uniform APIs for marshaling, unmarshaling, serialization.
- removed KeyPair class/interface and stick to PrivateKey as the primary
* collected common rand utility functions into rand.go
* Teach sigtool to NOT overwrite existing output files (keys, signatures etc.)
* Teach sigtool to use a new --overwrite option for every command that creates
files (generate, sign, encrypt, decrypt)
* encrypt/decrypt will try to use the input file mode/perm where possible
(unless input is stdin).
* Added more tests
- removed spurious check in decrypt() against blocksize
- added additional tests for small sized blocks and inputs smaller than
the blocksize.
- updated README to capture dependencies (protobuf tools)
- aead nonce construction is efficient (replace last 8 bytes of salt
with encoded block# and chunk-size
- increase aead nonce size to 32 bytes
- refactor errors into a separate file
- update "build" to latest version
- updated README.
* Sender identity is never shared in the encrypted payload
* Sender signs the data-encryption key via Ed25519 if sender-auth is
desired; else a "signature" of all zeroes is used. In either case, this
signature is encrypted with the same data-encryption key.
* cleaned up stale code and updated tests
* all encryption now uses ephmeral curve25519 keys
* sender can identify themselves by providing a signing key
* sign/verify now uses a string prefix for calculating checksum of the
incoming message + known prefix [prevents us from verifying unknown
* encrypt/decrypt key is now expanded with a known prefix _and_ the
header checksum
* protobuf definition changed to include an encrypted sender
identification blob (sender public key)
* moved protobuf files into an internal/pb directory
* general code rearrangement to make it easy to find files
* added extra validation for reading all keys
* bumped version to 1.0.0
* encrypted chunk header now encodes _only_ plain text length
* the AEAD tag length is implicitly added when reading/writing
* added better sanity checks for short blocks during decrypt
* io.ReadAtLeast() reports ErrUnexpectedEOF for less than a full chunk;
use this signal correctly
* major version bump to denote header incompatibility
* Refactored the private key protection to use standard AEAD
* Fix sanity check of decrypted block length to stay within verified
* Cleanup test harness to split into utility file (assert()); cleaned up
names of test functions.
* Fixed scrypt params to not take too long (N=2^19)
* Updated README with these changes
* Added support to read openssh public keys and encrypted private keys
* reworked private key handling
* made password the default; generating keys without password
requires explicit "--no-password"
* use protobuf for encryption-header
* use fixed size file-header (42 bytes) before the encryption-header
* add encryption/decryption contexts
* teach MakePrivateKey() to fixup its internal public key bits
* added encrypt, decrypt commands (empty now)
* use command abbreviation util library
* switched to go1.13 (ed25519 now in stdlib)
* added new code to convert/manage Ed25519 keys to Curve25519
(thanks to FiloSottile/age)