import * as cache from '@actions/cache' import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as fs from 'fs' import { rtxDir } from './utils' export async function run(): Promise { try { await cacheRTXTools() } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) core.setFailed(error.message) } } async function cacheRTXTools(): Promise { const state = core.getState('CACHE_KEY') const primaryKey = core.getState('PRIMARY_KEY') const cachePath = rtxDir() if (!fs.existsSync(cachePath)) { throw new Error(`Cache folder path does not exist on disk: ${cachePath}`) } if (primaryKey === state) { `Cache hit occurred on the primary key ${primaryKey}, not saving cache.` ) return } const cacheId = await cache.saveCache([cachePath], primaryKey) if (cacheId === -1) return`Cache saved with the primary key: ${primaryKey}`) } run()