#!/bin/bash set -e UNIT_NAME=rmfakecloud-proxy BINARY=rmfakecloud-proxy DESTINATION="/home/root/rmfakecloud" # Create destination folder function unpack(){ mkdir -p ${DESTINATION} systemctl stop ${UNIT_NAME} || true # Find __ARCHIVE__ maker, read archive content and decompress it ARCHIVE=$(awk '/^__ARCHIVE__/ {print NR + 1; exit 0; }' "${0}") tail -n+${ARCHIVE} "${0}" | gunzip > ${DESTINATION}/${BINARY} chmod +x ${DESTINATION}/${BINARY} } # marks all as unsynced so that they are not deleted function fixsync(){ grep sync ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/*.metadata -l | xargs -r sed -i 's/synced\": true/synced\": false/' } function install_proxyservice(){ cloudurl=$1 echo "Setting cloud sync to: ${cloudurl}" workdir=$DESTINATION cat > /etc/systemd/system/${UNIT_NAME}.service < csr.conf [ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = proxy.key encrypt_key = no default_md = sha256 prompt = no utf8 = yes distinguished_name = dn req_extensions = ext x509_extensions = caext [ dn ] C = AA ST = QQ L = JJ O = the culture CN = *.appspot.com [ ext ] subjectAltName=@san basicConstraints=CA:FALSE subjectKeyIdentifier = hash [ caext ] subjectAltName=@san [ san ] DNS.1 = *.appspot.com DNS.2 = *.remarkable.com DNS.3 = *.cloud.remarkable.com DNS.4 = *.cloud.remarkable.engineering DNS.5 = *.rmfakecloud.localhost DNS.6 = *.internal.cloud.remarkable.com DNS.7 = *.tectonic.remarkable.com DNS.8 = *.ping.remarkable.com EOF # ca if [ ! -f ca.crt ]; then echo "Generating CA key and crt..." openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 openssl req -new -sha256 -x509 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -days 3650 -subj /CN=rmfakecloud rm -f proxy.key rm -f proxy.pubkey else echo "CA exists" fi if [ ! -f proxy.key ]; then echo "Generating private key..." openssl genrsa -out proxy.key 2048 rm -f proxy.pubkey else echo "Private key exists" fi if [ ! -f proxy.pubkey ]; then echo "Generating pub key..." openssl rsa -in proxy.key -pubout -out proxy.pubkey rm -f proxy.crt else echo "Pub key exists" fi if [ ! -f proxy.crt ]; then echo "Generating csr and crt..." openssl req -new -config ./csr.conf -key proxy.key -out proxy.csr # Signing openssl x509 -req -in proxy.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out proxy.crt -days 3650 -extfile csr.conf -extensions caext cat proxy.crt ca.crt > proxy.bundle.crt #echo "showing result" #openssl x509 -in proxy.bundle.crt -text -noout echo "Generation complete!" else echo "crt exists" fi } function install_certificates(){ certdir="/usr/local/share/ca-certificates" certname=$certdir/ca.crt if [ -f $certname ]; then echo "The cert has been already installed, it will be removed and reinstalled!!!" rm $certname update-ca-certificates --fresh fi mkdir -p $certdir cp $DESTINATION/ca.crt $certdir/ update-ca-certificates --fresh } function patch_hosts(){ if ! grep rmfake_start /etc/hosts ; then cat <> /etc/hosts # rmfake_start hwr-production-dot-remarkable-production.appspot.com service-manager-production-dot-remarkable-production.appspot.com local.appspot.com my.remarkable.com ping.remarkable.com internal.cloud.remarkable.com backtrace-proxy.cloud.remarkable.engineering dev.ping.remarkable.com dev.tectonic.remarkable.com dev.internal.cloud.remarkable.com # rmfake_end EOF fi } function getproxy(){ read -p "Enter your own cloud url [http(s)://somehost:port] >" url echo $url } function doinstall(){ echo "Extracting embedded binary..." unpack pushd "${DESTINATION}" generate_certificates install_certificates # install proxy url=$1 if [ -z $url ]; then url=$(getproxy) fi install_proxyservice $url echo "Patching /etc/hosts" patch_hosts echo "Stoping xochitl.." systemctl stop xochitl echo "Fixing sync status..." fixsync echo "Starting xochitl..." systemctl start xochitl popd } case $1 in "uninstall" ) uninstall ;; "install" ) shift 1 doinstall $1 ;; "gencert" ) generate_certificates ;; "setcloud" ) shift 1 url=$1 if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then url=$(getproxy) fi install_proxyservice $url ;; * ) cat <