177 lines
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177 lines
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// sign.go -- Ed25519 keys and signature handling
// (c) 2016 Sudhi Herle <sudhi@herle.net>
// Licensing Terms: GPLv2
// If you need a commercial license for this work, please contact
// the author.
// This software does not come with any express or implied
// warranty; it is provided "as is". No claim is made to its
// suitability for any purpose.
// This file implements:
// - key generation, and key I/O
// - sign/verify of files and byte strings
package sign
import (
Ed "crypto/ed25519"
// An Ed25519 Signature
type Signature struct {
Sig []byte // Ed25519 sig bytes
pkhash []byte // [0:16] SHA256 hash of public key needed for verification
// Sign a prehashed Message; return the signature as opaque bytes
// Signature is an YAML file:
// Comment: source file path
// Signature: Ed25519 signature
func (sk *PrivateKey) SignMessage(ck []byte, comment string) (*Signature, error) {
h := sha512.New()
h.Write([]byte("sigtool signed message"))
ck = h.Sum(nil)[:]
x := Ed.PrivateKey(sk.Sk)
sig, err := x.Sign(rand.Reader, ck, crypto.Hash(0))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't sign %x: %s", ck, err)
ss := &Signature{
Sig: sig,
pkhash: make([]byte, len(sk.pk.hash)),
copy(ss.pkhash, sk.pk.hash)
return ss, nil
// Read and sign a file
// We calculate the signature differently here: We first calculate
// the SHA-512 checksum of the file and its size. We sign the
// checksum.
func (sk *PrivateKey) SignFile(fn string) (*Signature, error) {
ck, err := fileCksum(fn, sha512.New())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sk.SignMessage(ck, fn)
// -- Signature Methods --
// Read serialized signature from file 'fn' and construct a
// Signature object
func ReadSignature(fn string) (*Signature, error) {
yml, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sig Signature
return makeSignature(&sig, yml)
// Parse serialized signature from bytes 'b' and construct a
// Signature object
func makeSignature(sig *Signature, b []byte) (*Signature, error) {
var ss signature
err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &ss)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse YAML signature: %s", err)
b64 := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString
s, err := b64(ss.Signature)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't decode Base64:Signature <%s>: %s", ss.Signature, err)
p, err := b64(ss.Pkhash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't decode Base64:Pkhash <%s>: %s", ss.Pkhash, err)
sig.Sig = s
sig.pkhash = p
return sig, nil
// MarshalBinary marshals a signature into a byte stream with
// an optional caller supplied comment.
func (sig *Signature) MarshalBinary(comment string) ([]byte, error) {
sigs := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sig.Sig)
pks := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(sig.pkhash)
ss := &signature{Comment: comment, Pkhash: pks, Signature: sigs}
return yaml.Marshal(ss)
// UnmarshalBinary constructs a Signature from a previously
// serialized bytestream
func (sig *Signature) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error {
_, err := makeSignature(sig, b)
return err
// Serialize a signature suitable for storing in durable media
func (sig *Signature) Serialize(fn, comment string, ovwrite bool) error {
b, err := sig.MarshalBinary(comment)
if err == nil {
err = writeFile(fn, b, ovwrite, 0644)
return err
// IsPKMatch returns true if public key 'pk' can potentially validate
// the signature. It does this by comparing the hash of 'pk' against
// 'Pkhash' of 'sig'.
func (sig *Signature) IsPKMatch(pk *PublicKey) bool {
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(pk.hash, sig.pkhash) == 1
// Verify a signature 'sig' for file 'fn' against public key 'pk'
// Return True if signature matches, False otherwise
func (pk *PublicKey) VerifyFile(fn string, sig *Signature) (bool, error) {
ck, err := fileCksum(fn, sha512.New())
if err != nil {
return false, err
return pk.VerifyMessage(ck, sig), nil
// Verify a signature 'sig' for a pre-calculated checksum 'ck' against public key 'pk'
// Return True if signature matches, False otherwise
func (pk *PublicKey) VerifyMessage(ck []byte, sig *Signature) bool {
h := sha512.New()
h.Write([]byte("sigtool signed message"))
ck = h.Sum(nil)[:]
x := Ed.PublicKey(pk.Pk)
return Ed.Verify(x, ck, sig.Sig)
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