Working version with enc/dec of all key types.

* Updated README
* fix non-ephemeral key wrap/unwrap
* fix out of bounds error in decrypt
This commit is contained in:
Sudhi Herle 2019-10-18 15:42:08 -07:00
parent 21445ba1a1
commit a27044154a
5 changed files with 152 additions and 108 deletions

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@ -13,45 +13,14 @@ It can sign and verify very large files - it prehashes the files
with SHA-512 and then signs the SHA-512 checksum. The keys and signatures
are YAML files and so, human readable.
It can encrypt & decrypt files by converting the Ed25519 keys to their
corresponding Curve25519 variants. This elliptic co-ordinate transform
follows [FiloSottile's writeup][2]. The file encryption uses
AES-GCM-256 (AEAD); the input is broken into chunks and each chunk is
AEAD encrypted. The default chunk size is 4MB (4 * 1048576 bytes).
It can encrypt files for multiple recipients - each of whom is identified
by their Ed25519 public key. The encryption by default generates ephmeral
Curve25519 keys and creates pair-wise shared secret for each recipient of
the encrypted file. The caller can optionally use a specific secret key
during the encryption process - this has the benefit of also authenticating
the sender (and the receiver can verify the sender if they possess the
corresponding public key).
A random 32-byte key is used to actually encrypt the file contents in
AES-GCM mode. This file-encryption key is **wrapped** using the recipient's
public key. Thus, a given input file (or stream) can be encrypted to be
read by multiple recipients - each of whom is identified by their Ed25519
public keys. The file-encryptionb-key can optionally be wrapped using the
sender's Private Key - this authenticates the sender. If this private key is
not provided for the encrypt operation, then `sigtool` generates ephemeral
Curve25519 keys and wraps the file-encryption key using the ephemeral
private key and the recipient's public key.
Every encrypted file starts with a header:
7 byte magic ("SigTool")
1 byte version number
4 byte header length
32 byte SHA256 of the encryption-header
The encryption-header is described as a protobuf file (sign/hdr.proto):
message header {
uint32 chunk_size = 1;
bytes salt = 2;
repeated wrapped_key keys = 3;
message wrapped_key {
bytes pk_hash = 1; // hash of Ed25519 PK
bytes pk = 2; // curve25519 PK
bytes nonce = 3; // AEAD nonce
bytes key = 4; // AEAD encrypted key
## How do I build it?
With Go 1.5 and later:
@ -120,19 +89,35 @@ e.g., to verify the signature of *archive.tar.gz* against
If the sender wishes to prove to the recipient that they encrypted
a file:
sigtool encrypt -s mykey.key -o archive.tar.gz.enc archive.tar.gz
sigtool encrypt -s sender.key -o archive.tar.gz.enc archive.tar.gz
This will create an encrypted file *archive.tar.gz.enc* such that the
recipient in possession of *theikey.key* can decrypt it. Furthermore, if
the recipient has **, they can verify that the sender is indeed
recipient in possession of *to.key* can decrypt it. Furthermore, if
the recipient has **, they can verify that the sender is indeed
who they expect.
### Decrypt a file and verify the sender
If the receiver has the public key of the sender, they can verify that
they indeed sent the file by cryptographically checking the output:
sigtool decrypt -o archive.tar.gz -v to.key archive.tar.gz.enc
Note that the verification is optional and if the `-v` option is not
used, then decryption will proceed without verifying the sender.
### Encrypt a file *without* authenticating the sender
`sigtool` can generate ephemeral keys for encrypting a file such that
the receiver doesn't need to authenticate the sender:
### Decrypt a file
sigtool encrypt -o archive.tar.gz.enc archive.tar.gz
## How is the private key protected?
This will create an encrypted file *archive.tar.gz.enc* such that the
recipient in possession of *to.key* can decrypt it.
## Technical Details
### How is the private key protected?
The Ed25519 private key is encrypted using a key derived from the
user supplied pass phrase. This pass phrase is used to derive an
encryption key using the Scrypt key derivation algorithm. The
@ -144,11 +129,69 @@ key are hashed via SHA256 and stored along with the encrypted key.
As an additional security measure, the user supplied pass phrase is
hashed with SHA512.
### How is the Encryption done?
The file encryption uses AES-GCM-256 in AEAD mode. The encryption uses
a random 32-byte AES-256 key. The input is broken into chunks and
each chunk is individually AEAD encrypted. The default chunk size
is 4MB (4 * 1048576 bytes). Each chunk generates its own nonce
from a global salt. The nonce is calculated as a SHA256 hash of
the salt, the chunk length and the block number.
### What is the public-key cryptography used?
`sigtool` uses Curve25519 ECC to generate shared secrets between
pairs of sender & recipients. This pairwise shared secret is expanded
using HKDF to generate a key-encryption-key. The file-encryption key
is AEAD encrypted with this key-encryption-key. Thus, each recipient
has their own individual encrypted key blob.
The Ed25519 keys generated by `sigtool` are transformed to their
corresponding Curve25519 points in order to generate the shared secret.
This elliptic co-ordinate transform follows [FiloSottile's writeup][2].
### Format of the Encrypted File
Every encrypted file starts with a header:
7 byte magic ("SigTool")
1 byte version number
4 byte header length (big endian encoding)
32 byte SHA256 of the encryption-header
The encryption-header is described as a protobuf file (sign/hdr.proto):
message header {
uint32 chunk_size = 1;
bytes salt = 2;
repeated wrapped_key keys = 3;
message wrapped_key {
bytes pk_hash = 1; // hash of Ed25519 PK
bytes pk = 2; // curve25519 PK
bytes nonce = 3; // AEAD nonce
bytes key = 4; // AEAD encrypted key
The encrypted data immediately follows the headers above. Each encrypted
chunk is encoded the same way:
4 byte chunk length (big endian encoding)
chunk data
AEAD tag
The chunk data and AEAD tag are treated as an atomic unit for AEAD
## Understanding the Code
`src/sign` is a library to generate, verify and store Ed25519 keys
and signatures. It uses the extended library (
for the underlying operations.
`src/crypt.go` contains the encryption & decryption code.
The generated keys and signatures are proper YAML files and human

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@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ case $Tool in
echo "Building $rev, $cross $msg .."
echo "Building $msg $Prodver ($rev) for $cross .."
for p in $all; do
if echo $p | grep -q ':' ; then

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@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ func decrypt(args []string) {
d, err := sign.NewDecryptor(infd, pk)
d, err := sign.NewDecryptor(infd)
if err != nil {
die("%s", err)
err = d.SetPrivateKey(sk)
err = d.SetPrivateKey(sk, pk)
if err != nil {
die("%s", err)

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@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ type Decryptor struct {
// Create a new decryption context and if 'pk' is given, check that it matches
// the sender
func NewDecryptor(rd io.Reader, pk *PublicKey) (*Decryptor, error) {
func NewDecryptor(rd io.Reader) (*Decryptor, error) {
var b [12]byte
_, err := io.ReadFull(rd, b[:])
@ -322,32 +322,18 @@ func NewDecryptor(rd io.Reader, pk *PublicKey) (*Decryptor, error) {
d.buf = make([]byte, d.ChunkSize)
if pk != nil {
validSender := false
pkh := pk.Hash()
for _, w := range d.Keys {
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(pkh, w.PkHash) == 1 {
validSender = true
if !validSender {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("decrypt: Can't find sender's public key in the header")
return d, nil
// Use Private Key 'sk' to decrypt the encrypted keys in the header
func (d *Decryptor) SetPrivateKey(sk *PrivateKey) error {
// Use Private Key 'sk' to decrypt the encrypted keys in the header and optionally validate
// the sender
func (d *Decryptor) SetPrivateKey(sk *PrivateKey, senderPk *PublicKey) error {
var err error
pkh := sk.PublicKey().Hash()
for i, w := range d.Keys {
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(pkh, w.PkHash) == 1 {
d.key, err = w.UnwrapKey(sk)
d.key, err = w.UnwrapKey(sk, senderPk)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decrypt: can't unwrap key %d: %s", i, err)
@ -368,6 +354,7 @@ havekey:
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("decrypt: %s", err)
d.buf = make([]byte, int(d.ChunkSize) +
return nil
@ -440,29 +427,73 @@ func (d *Decryptor) decrypt(i int) ([]byte, error) {
return p, nil
// Wrap a shared key with the recipient's public key 'pk' by generating an ephemeral
// Curve25519 keypair. This function does not identify the sender (non-repudiation).
func (pk *PublicKey) WrapKeyEphemeral(key []byte) (*WrappedKey, error) {
var newSK [32]byte
return wrapKey(pk, key, &newSK)
// given a file-encryption-key, wrap it in the identity of the recipient 'pk' using our
// secret key. This function identifies the sender.
func (sk *PrivateKey) WrapKey(pk *PublicKey, key []byte) (*WrappedKey, error) {
var shared, theirPK, ourSK [32]byte
var ourSK [32]byte
copy(ourSK[:], sk.toCurve25519SK())
copy(theirPK[:], pk.toCurve25519PK())
curve25519.ScalarMult(&shared, &ourSK, &theirPK)
return wrapKey(pk, key, theirPK[:], shared[:])
return wrapKey(pk, key, &ourSK)
func wrapKey(pk *PublicKey, k []byte, ourSK *[32]byte) (*WrappedKey, error) {
var curvePK, theirPK, shared [32]byte
copy(theirPK[:], pk.toCurve25519PK())
curve25519.ScalarBaseMult(&curvePK, ourSK)
curve25519.ScalarMult(&shared, ourSK, &theirPK)
ek, nonce, err := aeadSeal(k, shared[:], pk.Pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrap: %s", err)
return &WrappedKey{
PkHash: pk.hash,
Pk: curvePK[:],
Nonce: nonce,
Key: ek,
}, nil
// Unwrap a wrapped key using the private key 'sk'
func (w *WrappedKey) UnwrapKey(sk *PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
func (w *WrappedKey) UnwrapKey(sk *PrivateKey, senderPk *PublicKey) ([]byte, error) {
var shared, theirPK, ourSK [32]byte
pk := sk.PublicKey()
copy(ourSK[:], sk.toCurve25519SK())
copy(theirPK[:], w.Pk)
curve25519.ScalarMult(&shared, &ourSK, &theirPK)
if senderPk != nil {
var cPK, shared2 [32]byte
curvePK := senderPk.toCurve25519PK()
copy(cPK[:], curvePK)
curve25519.ScalarMult(&shared2, &ourSK, &cPK)
if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(shared2[:], shared[:]) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unwrap: sender validation failed")
key, err := aeadOpen(w.Key, w.Nonce, shared[:], pk.Pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -471,38 +502,6 @@ func (w *WrappedKey) UnwrapKey(sk *PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
// Wrap a shared key with the recipient's public key 'pk' by generating an ephemeral
// Curve25519 keypair. This function does not identify the sender (non-repudiation).
func (pk *PublicKey) WrapKeyEphemeral(key []byte) (*WrappedKey, error) {
var shared, newSK, newPK, theirPK [32]byte
copy(theirPK[:], pk.toCurve25519PK())
curve25519.ScalarBaseMult(&newPK, &newSK)
curve25519.ScalarMult(&shared, &newSK, &theirPK)
// we throw away newSK after deriving the shared key.
// The recipient can derive the same key using theirSK and newPK.
// (newPK will be marshalled and returned by this function)
return wrapKey(pk, key, newPK[:], shared[:])
func wrapKey(pk *PublicKey, k, theirPK, shared []byte) (*WrappedKey, error) {
ek, nonce, err := aeadSeal(k, shared[:], pk.Pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("wrap: %s", err)
return &WrappedKey{
PkHash: pk.hash,
Pk: theirPK,
Nonce: nonce,
Key: ek,
}, nil
// Convert an Ed25519 Private Key to Curve25519 Private key
func (sk *PrivateKey) toCurve25519SK() []byte {
if == nil {

View file

@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ import (
// This will be filled in by "build"
var Version string = "1.1"
var Z string = path.Base(os.Args[0])
func main() {
@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ func main() {
if ver {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", Z, Version)
fmt.Printf("%s - %s [%s; %s]\n", Z, ProductVersion, RepoVersion, Buildtime)
@ -346,4 +343,9 @@ func warn(f string, v ...interface{}) {
// This will be filled in by "build"
var RepoVersion string = "UNDEFINED"
var Buildtime string = "UNDEFINED"
var ProductVersion string = "UNDEFINED"
// vim: ft=go:sw=8:ts=8:noexpandtab:tw=98: