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// crypt.go -- Encrypt/decrypt command handling
// (c) 2016 Sudhi Herle <>
// Licensing Terms: GPLv2
// If you need a commercial license for this work, please contact
// the author.
// This software does not come with any express or implied
// warranty; it is provided "as is". No claim is made to its
// suitability for any purpose.
package main
import (
flag ""
// sigtool encrypt [-i|--identity my.key] [] [] inputfile|- [-o output]
func encrypt(args []string) {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("encrypt", flag.ExitOnError)
fs.Usage = func() {
var outfile string
var keyfile string
var envpw string
var nopw, force bool
2019-11-15 13:26:11 -08:00
var blksize uint64
fs.StringVarP(&outfile, "outfile", "o", "", "Write the output to file `F`")
fs.StringVarP(&keyfile, "sign", "s", "", "Sign using private key `S`")
fs.BoolVarP(&nopw, "no-password", "", false, "Don't ask for passphrase to decrypt the private key")
fs.StringVarP(&envpw, "env-password", "E", "", "Use passphrase from environment variable `E`")
fs.SizeVarP(&blksize, "block-size", "B", 128*1024, "Use `S` as the encryption block size")
fs.BoolVarP(&force, "overwrite", "", false, "Overwrite the output file if it exists")
err := fs.Parse(args)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
var pws, infile string
var sk *sign.PrivateKey
if len(keyfile) > 0 {
sk, err = sign.ReadPrivateKey(keyfile, func() ([]byte, error) {
if nopw {
return nil, nil
if len(envpw) > 0 {
pws = os.Getenv(envpw)
} else {
pws, err = utils.Askpass("Enter passphrase for private key", false)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
return []byte(pws), nil
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
args = fs.Args()
if len(args) < 2 {
Die("Insufficient args. Try '%s --help'", os.Args[0])
var infd io.Reader = os.Stdin
var outfd io.WriteCloser = os.Stdout
var inf *os.File
if len(args) > 1 {
infile = args[len(args)-1]
if infile != "-" {
inf := mustOpen(infile, os.O_RDONLY)
defer inf.Close()
infd = inf
// Lets try to read the authorized files
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
Die("can't find homedir for this user")
authkeys := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.ssh/authorized_keys", home)
authdata, err := ioutil.ReadFile(authkeys)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
Die("can't open %s: %s", authkeys, err)
pka, err := sign.ParseAuthorizedKeys(authdata)
keymap := make(map[string]*sign.PublicKey)
for _, pk := range pka {
keymap[pk.Comment] = pk
if len(outfile) > 0 && outfile != "-" {
var mode os.FileMode = 0600 // conservative output mode
if inf != nil {
var err error
var ist, ost os.FileInfo
if ost, err = os.Stat(outfile); err != nil {
Die("can't stat %s: %s", outfile, err)
if ist, err = inf.Stat(); err != nil {
Die("can't stat %s: %s", infile, err)
if os.SameFile(ist, ost) {
Die("won't create output file: same as input file!")
mode = ist.Mode()
sf, err := sign.NewSafeFile(outfile, force, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, mode)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
defer sf.Abort()
outfd = sf
en, err := sign.NewEncryptor(sk, blksize)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
errs := 0
for i := 0; i < len(args)-1; i++ {
var err error
var pk *sign.PublicKey
fn := args[i]
if strings.Index(fn, "@") > 0 {
var ok bool
pk, ok = keymap[fn]
if !ok {
Warn("can't find user %s in %s", fn, authkeys)
errs += 1
} else {
pk, err = sign.ReadPublicKey(fn)
if err != nil {
Warn("%s", err)
errs += 1
err = en.AddRecipient(pk)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
if errs > 0 {
Die("Too many errors!")
err = en.Encrypt(infd, outfd)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
2019-11-08 10:49:13 -08:00
type nullWriter struct{}
func (w *nullWriter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return len(p), nil
func (w *nullWriter) Close() error {
return nil
var _ io.WriteCloser = &nullWriter{}
// sigtool decrypt a.key [file] [-o output]
func decrypt(args []string) {
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("decrypt", flag.ExitOnError)
fs.Usage = func() {
var envpw string
var outfile string
var pubkey string
var nopw, test, force bool
fs.StringVarP(&outfile, "outfile", "o", "", "Write the output to file `F`")
fs.BoolVarP(&nopw, "no-password", "", false, "Don't ask for passphrase to decrypt the private key")
fs.StringVarP(&envpw, "env-password", "E", "", "Use passphrase from environment variable `E`")
fs.StringVarP(&pubkey, "verify-sender", "v", "", "Verify that the sender matches public key in `F`")
2019-11-08 10:49:13 -08:00
fs.BoolVarP(&test, "test", "t", false, "Test the encrypted file against the given key without writing to output")
fs.BoolVarP(&force, "overwrite", "", false, "Overwrite the output file if it exists")
err := fs.Parse(args)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
args = fs.Args()
if len(args) < 1 {
Die("Insufficient args. Try '%s --help'", os.Args[0])
var infd io.Reader = os.Stdin
var outfd io.WriteCloser = os.Stdout
var inf *os.File
var infile string
keyfile := args[0]
sk, err := sign.ReadPrivateKey(keyfile, func() ([]byte, error) {
var pws string
if nopw {
return nil, nil
if len(envpw) > 0 {
pws = os.Getenv(envpw)
} else {
pws, err = utils.Askpass("Enter passphrase for private key", false)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
return []byte(pws), nil
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
var pk *sign.PublicKey
if len(pubkey) > 0 {
pk, err = sign.ReadPublicKey(pubkey)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
if len(args) > 1 {
infile = args[1]
if infile != "-" {
inf := mustOpen(infile, os.O_RDONLY)
defer inf.Close()
infd = inf
2019-11-08 10:49:13 -08:00
if test {
outfd = &nullWriter{}
} else if len(outfile) > 0 && outfile != "-" {
var mode os.FileMode = 0600 // conservative mode
if inf != nil {
var ist, ost os.FileInfo
var err error
if ost, err = os.Stat(outfile); err != nil {
Die("can't stat %s: %s", outfile, err)
if ist, err = inf.Stat(); err != nil {
Die("can't stat %s: %s", infile, err)
if os.SameFile(ist, ost) {
Die("won't create output file: same as input file!")
mode = ist.Mode()
sf, err := sign.NewSafeFile(outfile, force, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, mode)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
defer sf.Abort()
outfd = sf
d, err := sign.NewDecryptor(infd)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
err = d.SetPrivateKey(sk, pk)
if err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
if pk == nil && d.AuthenticatedSender() {
var fn string = infile
if len(fn) == 0 || fn == "-" {
fn = "<stdin>"
Warn("%s: Missing sender Public Key; can't authenticate sender ..", fn)
if err = d.Decrypt(outfd); err != nil {
Die("%s", err)
2019-11-08 10:49:13 -08:00
2019-11-08 10:49:13 -08:00
if test {
Warn("Enc file OK")
2019-11-08 10:49:13 -08:00
func encryptUsage(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
fmt.Printf(`%s encrypt: Encrypt a file to one or more recipients.
Usage: %s encrypt [options] to [to ...] infile|-
Where TO is the public key of the recipient; it can be one of:
- a file referring to an SSH or sigtool public key.
- string of the form 'a@b' - in which case the user's default
ssh/authorized_keys is consulted to find the comment matching
'a@b' - in which case the user's ssh authorized_keys file is consulted to
find the comment matching the string.
INFILE is an input file to be encrypted. If the input file is '-' then %s
reads from STDIN. Unless '-o' is used, %s writes the encrypted output to STDOUT.
`, Z, Z, Z, Z)
func decryptUsage(fs *flag.FlagSet) {
fmt.Printf(`%s decrypt: Decrypt a file.
Usage: %s decrypt [options] key [infile]
Where KEY is the private key to be used for decryption and INFILE is
the encrypted input file. If INFILE is not provided, %s reads
from STDIN. Unless '-o' is used, %s writes the decrypted output to STDOUT.
`, Z, Z, Z, Z)
func mustOpen(fn string, flag int) *os.File {
fdk, err := os.OpenFile(fn, flag, 0600)
if err != nil {
Die("can't open file %s: %s", fn, err)
return fdk